Maureen is equal parts artist and community activist. She has been awarded numerous grants to support art as a transformative force for social change. She designs and implements creativity workshops about education, earth awareness, wellness, nonviolence, and peace. Maureen created the ongoing global traveling art project, Peace By Piece. The project involves thousands of participants creating canvases and writings that express personal statements about peace. She is also the recipient of the NYC Circle of Mercy Award and has been a Teaching Artist and Creative Consultant at the Mercy Center in the South Bronx, NYC, from 1993 – to the present. Maureen’s artwork is digitally composed very carefully based on her observations of nature, often of plants and flowers in her own backyard. Each piece can include photography, painting, and drawing resulting in lush and inviting mandalas. Although created during the quarantine, they are timeless in their appeal.

Monica Nask
Born in Bryn Mawr and raised in West Chester Pennsylvania, Monica Nask received her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design and went on